标题(英文):Solid-state acidochromic properties of barbituric acid-based 1,4-dihydropyridine derivatives with multiple coloured emissions switching
刊物名称及期号、页码: Dyes and Pigments, 2019, 160, pp 378–385
作者姓名(中文):王梦竹 钱乐彬 郭阳 吴华悦 刘妙昌 高文霞 李国兴 丁金昌 黄小波
作者姓名(英文):Mengzhu Wang, Lebin Qian, Yang Guo, Huayue Wu, Miaochang Liu,Wenxia Gao, Guoxing Li, Jinchang Ding ,Xiaobo Huang
摘要(英文): Solid-state acidochromic (SSAC) molecules often exhibit dual-coloured rather than multi-coloured stimuli-responsive properties. To obtain the molecule possessing a multi- coloured emission switching based on one specific solid-state of a single molecule, a new D-π-A type 1,4-dihydropyridine derivative 4a containing barbituric acid and N,N-dimethylaniline unit, which contains multiple sites that can be combined with H+, is designed and synthesized. Compound 4a is confirmed to have twisted molecular conformation by crystallographic data and exhibits aggregation-induced emission characteristic. Upon the stimuli of acid-base system, 4a exhibits rare seven-coloured emission switching in solid-state. Another 1,4-dihydropyridine derivative 4b based on 1,3-dimethylbarbituric acid is synthesized for comparison. Compared with 4b which only displays three-coloured solid-state emission switching, 4a exhibits a more abundant colour change, which might be attributed that the nitrogen atoms on the N-H bonds are also involved in the process of protonation and deprotonation, slowing down the transformation between D-π-A and A-π-A structures. The results provide a new idea for the development of multicolor SSAC materials.
研究现状(中文):有机智能材料由于其在荧光传感器,存储设备,安全油墨领域的潜在应用,已经深入研究了固态排放在外部刺激(机械力,pH,温度,蒸汽和光)下的可逆转换。等等。在这些材料中,尽管溶液中的pH驱动荧光开关是常见的,但关于固态酸性变色(SSAC)现象的报道非常有限。这种现象的一个重要原因是,由于臭名昭著的聚集引起的猝灭效应,大多数有机分子通常不发射或弱的固态荧光。最近,唐等人报道了聚集诱导发射(AIE)效应,即发现一些有机分子在溶液中发出弱荧光,但在固态下显着增强荧光。显然,AIE效应的发现为具有SSAC活性有机分子的开发带来了有希望的益处。此外,大多数报道的具有SSAC特性的荧光化合物仅在用酸性 - 碱性蒸汽熏蒸时显示出双色发射转换,其通常源自分子结构的质子化和去质子化。据我们所知,基于单个荧光分子的一种特定固态的多色发射转换很少被报道,因此这种现象仍然是一个挑战,值得探讨。
1. 两种新的1,4-二氢吡啶衍生物的合成和表征。
2. AIE活性化合物表现出固态酸致变色