


添加时间:2011年06月22日 浏览:

??? 时间:2011年6月24日星期五上午9:00

??? 地点:学院中路温州大学皮革研究所三楼311学术报告厅

??? 主讲人:Coleen Pugh( AAAS会士、北大客座教授)

??? 讲座内容:

?????1.氟化聚苯乙烯芳烃-氟代芳烃相互作用研究及氟化纳米粒子合成(Investigation of Arene-Perfluoroarene Interactions in Fluorinated Polystyrenes and the Synthesis of Fluorinated Nanoparticles)



??? 欢迎大家参加!





??? Pugh教授于1983年在加州大学戴维斯分校先后获得化学B.A.和纺织科学B.S.学位,1985年或凯斯西储大学大分子科学硕士学位(M.S.),1990 年获凯斯西储大学大分子科学专业博士学位, 现任阿克伦大学(University of Akron)高分子科学系教授,博导,2011年3月至6月期间任北京大学“北京分子科学国家重点实验室(筹)”客座教授。Pugh教授是国际高分子领域的知名专家,AAAS会士(Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science),曾于1999-2011期间担任Macromolecules期刊副主编,主要从事新型聚合物材料的合成与表征等方面的研究(包括两亲性有机纳米材料、生物材料、环状聚合物、含氟聚合物、液晶聚合物以及超支化丙烯酸酯等),自2005年以来共在Macromolecules等高水平杂志上发表论文十余篇。

??? 论文代表作:

1. Pugh, C.;? Tang, C.N.;? Paz-Pazos, M.;? *Samtani, O.;? *Dao, A.H. 'Correlation of Free Radical Copolymerization Behavior and Copolymer Properties with the Strength of p-p Stacking Interactions between Aromatic Fluorocarbons and Aromatic Hydrocarbons:? Copolymerization of Styrene and Fluorinated Styrenes at the Two Extreme Levels of Fluorination', Macromolecules 2007,? 40, 8178-8188.

2. Pugh, C.;? Paz-Pazos, M.;? Tang, C.N.? 'Correlation of Free Radical Copolymerization Behavior and Copolymer Properties with the Strength of p-p Stacking Interactions between Aromatic Fluorocarbons and Aromatic Hydrocarbons:? Comparison of the Copolymerization Behavior of Pentafluorostyrene with Styrene, 1-Vinylnaphthalene and 2-Vinylnaphthalene', J. Polym. Sci., Polym. Chem. Ed. 2009, 47, 331-345.

3. Paz-Pazos, M.; Pugh, C. 'Synthesis of Optically Active Copolymers of 2,3,4,5,6-Pentafluorostyrene and b-Pinene with Low Surface Energies', J. Polym. Sci., Polym. Chem. Ed. 2006, 44, 3114-3124.

4. Paz-Pazos, M.; Pugh, C. 'Synthesis, Isolation and Thermal Behavior of Polybutadiene Grafted with Poly(2,3,4,5,6-pentafluorostyrene)', J. Polym. Sci., Polym. Chem. Ed. 2005, 43, 2874-2891.

5. Pugh, C.;? Raveendra, B.;? Singh, A.;? Samuel, R.;? Garcia, G.? 'Design and Regioselective Synthesis of (2-Bromo-2-alkoxycarbonyl)ethyl Acrylates as Inimers for Hyperbranched (Co)Polyacrylates', SynLett 2010, 1947-1950.

6. Pugh, C.;? Singh, A.; Samuel, R.;? *Bernal Ramos, K.M. 'Synthesis of Hyperbranched Polyacrylates by a Chloroinimer Approach', Macromolecules 2010, 43, 5222-5232.

7. Chaicharoen, K.;? Polce, M.J.;? Singh, A.;? Pugh, C.;? Wesdemiotis, C.? 'Characterization of Linear and Branched Polyacrylates by Tandem Mass Spectrometry', Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 2008, 392, 595-607.

8. Pugh, C.;? Kasko, A.M.;? Grunwald, S.R. 'Effect of the Core on the Thermotropic and Solution Behavior of Three-Arm Star Poly[11-(4-cyanophenyl-4'-phenoxy)undecyl acrylate]s Synthesized by ATRP', J. Polym. Sci., Polym. Chem. Ed. 2008, 46, 4363-4382.

9. Kasko, A.M.;? Pugh, C. 'Comparison of the Thermotropic and Solution Behavior of Six-Arm Star and Comb Poly[11-(4-cyanophenyl-4'-phenoxy)undecyl acrylate]s', Macromolecules 2006, 39, 6800-6810.

10. Pugh, C.;? Fan, G.;? Kasko, A.M. 'Measurement of Chain Transfer Constants to Polymer Using Oligomers and Model Compounds:? Chain Transfer to Poly[11-(4-cyanophenyl-4'-phenoxy)undecyl acrylate] in Radical Polymerization', Macromolecules 2005, 38, 8071-8077.