


添加时间:2016年08月12日 浏览:
报告题目Liquid phase exfoliation of 2d materials
??人:何晓韵 博士
?何晓韵博士于2014年2月在都柏林城市大学取得分析化学博士学位,师从Brett Paull博士,主要研究一体多孔碳材料在分离科学领域的运用。随后在都柏林三一学院自适应纳米结构和纳米器件研究中心Johnathan Coleman教授课题从事博士后工作,主要研究利用液相剥离法大规模生产二维晶体材料及新的二维材料表征,并发掘了碳纳米管/金属硫属化合物等复合材料在新能源产生和储存领域的潜在运用。以第一作者发表6篇文章,平均影响影子接近10,共同作者文章17篇。
何晓韵博士现联化科技股份有限公司商业发展经理, 该公司是一家国内上市领先的化工公司,专为众多世界领先的制药,农用化学品和精细化工企业提供定制中间体和活性成分的供应商。
Since at least 400 C.E., when the Mayans first used layered clays to make dyes, people started to harness the properties of layered materials. This gradually form to be scientific interests, leading to the elucidation of the laminar structure of layered materials, detailed understanding of their properties, and eventually experiments to exfoliate or delaminate them into individual, atomically thin nanosheets. This culminated in the discovery of graphene, resulting in a new explosion of interest in two-dimensional materials.
Layered materials consist of two-dimensional platelets weakly stacked to form three-dimensional structures. The archetypal example is graphite, which consists of stacked graphene monolayers. However, there are many others: from MoS2?and layered clays to more exotic examples such as MoO3, GaS, Bi2Se3?and Ni(OH)2. These materials display a wide range of electronic, optical, mechanical, and electrochemical properties. Over the past decade, a number of methods have been developed to exfoliate layered materials in order to produce monolayer nanosheets. Among them, liquid exfoliation allows the formation of thin films and composites, is potentially scaleable, and may facilitate processing by using standard technologies such as reel-to-reel manufacturing. Such exfoliation creates extremely high-aspect-ratio nanosheets with enormous surface area, which are ideal for applications that require surface activity. More importantly, the two-dimensional confinement of electrons upon exfoliation leads to unprecedented optical and electrical properties.